Pune Pet Park
Changing the concept of Pet Care in India
This is a Private Park. Entry is restricted to Members only. Memberships are granted to Pets who are eligible for membership based on the eligibility conditions specified to maintain harmony at the park. Please call us before you would like to visit the facility. Boarding, Swimming, and Cremation facilities available for Non-members with prior booking and registration.
Branding and Advertising
Details of Space and Number of Boards available will be visible on Desktop PC Only
Advertising Board Size Qty Category Preferred Products
& Location in feet
1. Main Facing Swimming 20x10 2 A1 General Pet Products/Sponsors
Pool or 40x10 1
2. Dog Spa 20x10 2 B1 Grooming Products
or 40x10 1
3. Dog Hostel 4x2 2 B1 Pet Food/ Pet Accessories
4. Aviary 6x2 1 C1 Pet Food/ Pet Accessories
5. Agility Training 6x4 3 A1 Agility Eqpt/Pet Food/Pet Toys
6. Play Area 6x4 5 A1 Pet Food/ Pet Accessories
7. Website External links No charge
8. Website Sponsorship Home Page
9. Website Sponsorship Category Page
All Boards will be advertised free of cost till 31 March 2021
Effective 01 Apr 2021 The following prices will apply
Category A1 Rs 125 per sq ft per month; Minimum Contract - 3 Months
B1 Rs 80 per sq ft per month; Minimum Contract - 3 Months
C1 Rs 50 per sq ft per month; Minimum Contract - 3 Months
Website Home Page Rs 25000t per month; Minimum Contract - 3 Months
Website Category Page Rs 15000 per month; Minimum Contract - 3 Months
Website Blog Page Rs 1000 per blog; Minimum Contract - 12 Months
Type of Board - Back Lit with 3-6 inch depth
Terms and Conditions
1. Every board will have a separate contract signed.
2. The advertiser is responsible for the construction and fitting of the Board.
3. Only LED Backlit lights are approved for the backlit board.
4. All LED lights will need to be provided by the brand/advertiser if the lights are defective the same will be replaced and will be billed for separately.
5. Contents of the advertisement need to be approved by Pune Pet Park prior to being printed.
6. No political propaganda or Birthday wishes will be allowed.
7. Advertisements need to be related to the Pet Industry.
8. For Boards that require extensive lighting, a generator will be provided and costs of the same will need to be reimbursed depending on the usage.
9. Companies offering a barter system a maximum of 65% will be allowed in the barter. Payments to be made upfront barter can extend to the period of contract.
10. Payments need to be made within a week after receipt of the Invoice.
11. A Non-refundable admin fee of Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty will need to be paid on Application.