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How to Get Your Dog Summer Ready?

As the temperature increases and the days get brighter, we may enjoy the sun, but our furry friends need to be summer-ready. Remember, they have a coat meant to keep them warm in winters and cool in summers, but they may still find it tough to regulate temperature when it is too hot outside, especially if you live in a tropical area. You can easily find many ideas by visiting the dog website that will help keep your dog comfortable during summer.

Here are a few tips that will keep your pet summer-ready.

1. Make Use of Cooling Pads:

If you notice your pet sleeping on the floor more, that means their bed is too hot right now. You can get them a cooling pad that becomes cold when pressure is applied as they sleep on it. This will keep your pet's bed cool, and they will get some relief. If you do not wish to buy the expensive cooling pad, you can easily DIY it at a minimal cost and freeze it before using it to maximize comfort for the pet.

2. Make Frozen Treats:

Like how we humans love ice pops, dogs also love to eat cold treats. Just freeze the watermelon and feed them, and they will enjoy their frozen treats. You can also make a banana shake with yogurt and freeze it to make banana pops for them. Use ice cubes to cool their drinking water, which will help them regulate their temperature better.

3. Do Not Dress Up the Dog:

A lot of us love to play dress-up with dogs, but summer is the time when you should not really dress up your dog. Any additional clothing can make them feel warmer and uncomfortable. You can use bandanas and bows to accessorize them.

4. Keep Them Groomed:

In summer, we humans take a lot of baths and like our hair trimmed shorter to feel less hot. Well, your four-legged animal also needs more grooming to prevent matted coats when you take them swimming. You can shorten the coat but do not shave it as their coat helps them cool off.

5. Heartworm Prevention:

Mosquito bites are not just harmful to humans, but they are also known to transmit ready heartworms to pets. Mosquitoes can ingest microfilaria from an infected dog and transit the same to others if they bit the dog. This will transmit the larvae that mature into an adult worm that migrates to the heart and lungs. Heartworms can be easily prevented by using the vet's proper medication.

6. Keep Them Indoors:

When the sun is scorching outside, even if you keep your dog outdoors, try to get them inside as much as you can. You can also make a shed area on the outside to keep your dog away from direct sunlight. Exposing your dog to a bit of the sun every day is a clever idea, but we advise you to keep your dog indoors when it is too hot outside. Even when indoors, turn on the air conditioner to feel comfortable. Dogs love to lounge outdoors, but the harmful UV rays can also affect them. If it is too hot, there are other dangers, such as dehydration or heatstroke. Dogs with little or no fur on their belly are also more susceptible to skin cancers. You can talk to the vet about pet-specific sunscreen.

7. Microchip Them:

As your dog may spend a lot of time in the yard during the summer or exploring gardens, it is essential to keep your dog safe. Make sure you microchip your dog, and the details are up to date. If your dog gets lost, at least an updated microchip will ensure that they are returned to you.

8. Brush Their Coat Regularly:

Many breeds with double coats shed more seasonally as they get ready for the new season. If you own one, you should regularly brush your dog's coat to get rid of all the loose hair. This will make the shedding more manageable, and the dog will be more comfortable.

9. Choose Walk Time Right:

Walking your dog early morning and late evening is advisable during summer times. Noon is not great, as the sun will be really intense. Also, if you take your dog to walk on the curbside, make them wear shoes so that their paws do not burn, as the curb can get really hot if it is sunny outside.

10. Fill Their Water Bowl Regularly:

Ensure your dog consumes 2-3 liters of water every day. This is a no-brainer. Like us, dogs also need to be well hydrated during the summer, so fill the bowl with water regularly to encourage the dog to drink more water. You can get your dog a fountain bowl as well. That will ensure they always have plenty of water to drink.

11. Take Special Care While Traveling with Dog:

Not just at home, but when you travel in the car with your dog, ensure to turn on the air conditioner. You can also keep the window open for ventilation if it is not that hot outside. Never leave the dog locked in the car even for finishing a quick task as the car can become hot really fast, which can become life-threatening for the dog. Carry a water bottle for the dog and keep it hydrated during travel. If it is a long trip, take small breaks every 2 hours and get your dog out of the car to just drink water, pee, and stretch a bit before you continue back on the journey.

12. Understand the Breed's Need:

A few dog breeds are capable of handling summers better than others. For example, breeds that live in cold areas, such as huskies, may not handle the heat well hence they need more care than a few other breeds that originate from the tropical regions.

The Bottom Line:

Season change can be a challenging time for dogs; hence, you have to pay special attention to them initially so that they can transition quickly and get accustomed to the weather change. Especially it can be tough on young and elderly dogs, hence take special care of them.

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